Machine Translation: Merging AI Precision with Human Expertise

At the forefront of AI-driven technologies, CSOFT International harnesses proprietary machine-learning tools through our innovative platform, Stepes. Our Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE) services are industry-leading, combining cutting-edge AI innovations with a human-centric approach to localization. The CSOFT MTPE platform is more than just a tool—it is a critical component that complements the expertise of our […]

AI Subtitling: Will AI replace subtitle writers?

We’ve previously written about how difficult it is to translate Japanese text using machine translation services – even Godzilla himself couldn’t overcome Google Translate – and we’ll be returning to Japan (or, at least, the collision between Japanese Media and American audiences) for our latest survey of how generative AI is impacting the world of […]

How LSPs Can Keep on Truckin’ with Green Tech

As outlined in our recent white paper “Revving for Global Growth: Navigating the Road to Success in Trucking, Transport, and Logistics Localization,” there’s a growing need for Language Service Providers (LSPs) to support innovation in this space, and we’ve noticed a variety of challenges and opportunities on the highways towards an electric and green future […]

Large Language Models

Taking on Large Language Models: BigScience Workshop Tackles Innovation and Research for the 2022 Language AI Market

As we have explored extensively in our recent posts on advancing language AI, the most dynamic developments in areas like NLG and NLP have tended to come via large language models (LLMs) that require massive and high-quality datasets to train, which naturally favors large companies and software groups who alone manage access to these datasets. […]

This year in language AI

This Year in Language AI: Strides Towards Perfecting Language AI Communications

This year in language AI, we have followed many newsworthy developments in natural language processing (NLP), natural language generation (NLG), and natural language understanding (NLU), highlighting the most impressive trends and technological advancements in the process of machine learning (ML) for language-based applications. Throughout this discussion, our focus has been on the effectiveness of these […]

Language AI getting better day by day

Language AI in the News: Closing the Gap to Human Communications

Modern language AI is advancing at an unprecedented pace as innovation and research drives developers to create state-of-the-art language models that continue to inch closer to natural human speech patterns and cognitive reasoning. In our ongoing discussion on language AI and natural language processing (NLP), we have discussed ways in which these technologies have expanded […]

Machine translation on the horizon

MT, NMT, and MTPE in the Age of Natural Language Processing

When trying to understand the distinction between technology-driven translation solutions like machine translation (MT) and neural machine translation (NMT), it can be tempting to seek simpler analogies from beyond the realm of technology. Increasingly, though, parsing the respective advantages of these solutions requires an awareness of distinctions in machine learning and artificial intelligence that will […]

Cross-border communications: ever more sophisticated.

Cross-border Communications: Entering 2021

Across the globe people found new measures to facilitate cross-border communications in 2020. In numerous countries, physical borders were enforced, discouraging the movement of people and cross-cultural initiatives. In times when people around the world were confined, many sought inventive ways to reach across borders and harvest multicultural connections. Millions of people expressed new interests […]