eLearning Localization for Your Company

eLearning Localization: Three Important Considerations

In today’s modern and dynamic workplace, a growing company cannot expand if they aren’t training their employees on new standards and practices. Simply throwing together a PowerPoint deck and distributing it just does not cut it anymore. Let’s face it; what works in one country may not be suitable for another, and so forth. So, […]

Esperanto Translations: The International Language

With the spread of English, many assumed that Esperanto would die out, yet today, because of the visibility it’s gained from the digital revolution, the language is still adding followers. The popular language-learning mobile application, Duolingo, added Esperanto to its catalog of languages in 2015, and it quickly gained more than 600,000 active users. Today, Esperanto is spoken by nearly 2 million people as a second language in 115 countries.

artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Global Business

From February 28 to March 2, 2017, the 33rd LocWorld Conference was held in Shenzhen, China. Google, Alibaba, IBM, and 300 other business representatives from approximately 30 countries gathered together with experts in localization to discuss how AI and automated translation is changing the world economy. Shunee Yee, founder and CEO of CSOFT International, delivered a keynote speech on the “Future of Work”, which drew great attention.