Social media translation: a task with many faces

The Importance of Localizing Your Social Media Strategy for 2021

There is no doubt that social media has played a dominant role in business marketing during the coronavirus pandemic, with social media translation providing a key avenue for engaging global customers during the crisis. Social media facilitated a large proportion of social and business interactions during worldwide lockdowns, with Statista citing that social media usage […]

Standardization Versus Localization: Walmart Adopts eCommerce Localization Techniques

Big-box companies like Amazon and Walmart have only been enhancing their dominant presence in today’s market, particularly through recent eCommerce strengthening efforts. Their relentless takeover from acquisition to plain out-performance of smaller companies has similarly brought them to the international stage. Their expansion models however, have been significantly different with various results for their eCommerce […]

Localizing Internal, Yet Global Communications

Localizing Internal, Yet Global Communications

Different companies have their distinct ideas about business best-practices, and the role internal communications have on a global scale. Outward engagement best practices vary from industry to industry, country to country, and even between sectors, and different emphases are put on different tactics to localize internal communications such as brand position, differentiation, and customer experience, […]

Translation quality assurance: a final checkpoint for spelling and other oddities of language

Does Splling Rly Matter? (On Translation Quality Assurance)

Multiple studies from the past decade repeatedly show the same conclusion; there is a strong demand for proper grammar and syntax. A 2013 study reveals that 59% of Britons would not use a company that had obvious grammatical or spelling mistakes on its website or marketing material, and 82% would not use a company that had not correctly translated its material into English.

Online marketing trends

3 Online Marketing Trends to Watch In 2018

As we begin a new year, we take a look at 3 online marketing trends that every business should be aware of to have a successful 2018. To best implement these tips into your 2018 marketing efforts, it’s important to have a marketing team that not only is aware of its target audience in your home country, but also aware of the changes and tweaks that are needed to effectively target different markets around the world.

Navigating Social Media for the Life Science Industries

There is no denying it, social media and its impact on the way we interact on the web is a growing presence. As consumers, we regularly take to social media to share our lives and connect with others. Whether for praise or to complain, we want our voices heard. Life science companies are no exception. Social media allows businesses to maximize visibility amongst consumers, as well as harness data that is emerging from users worldwide.