Translating Assisted Reproductive Technology

Translating Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and Society

One of life’s great miracles is the beginning of a new life. For some, having children is an ultimate goal in their own life-progression. Yet for people who are not able to conceive traditionally, the situation can seem dire and emotions in feeling unable to reproduce can feel devastating. The science of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) steps in where traditional reproduction leaves ff, to bring hopeful parents the successful pregnancy they desire.

Translators and Interpreters in the Life Sciences

Resources for Translators and Interpreters in the Life Sciences

Do a quick search and you will discover a plethora of websites and articles filled with information for translators and interpreters in the life sciences. One of the principal challenges of translating for life sciences is the highly scientific terminology and lexicon associated with the industry. This vast network of information is constantly undergoing changes, growing, and being revised as new information is available. Here I have complied a list of just a few of the great resources there are out there.