Language Technology
There are 130 posts filed in Language Technology (this is page 4 of 11).
The Seven Reasons You Need To Use CAT Tools
Computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools have helped millions of translators work faster to produce better translations. They are continuing to evolve and develop, with new products on the market every year. Here 7 reasons why translators should always have CAT tools handy.
Stepes to Success
Dubbed the “Uber of translation”, Stepes (pronounced /‘steps/) aims to directly bring translators to clients on-demand. The world’s first chat based translation app has over 100+ languages available, and thousands of qualified translators worldwide, making it is easy to see why Stepes is leading the way in the burgeoning translation industry.
A Workshop on Translation Tools by CSOFT
Translation tools have played a huge role in shaping the industry and here at CSOFT, we consider ourselves experts in the field. So much so that CSOFT’s very own Michael Gray led a workshop on translation tools in the CSOFT San Francisco office recently which was attended by a number of experts in the translation industry.
The 3 Best Translation Tools
There are a variety of methodologies and tools within the translation industry that go into the creation of an accurate and effective translation. These tools help support a translator in completing a translation job that both conveys the original message and embodies the original content.
2016 CSOFT Summit – The Effect of the Translation Industry
One of the themes in everyone’s minds after this year’s summit included the effect of the translation industry in China, and subsequent changes to its market development and necessities for adequate and suitable translation and localization services that have developed as a result.