Language & Culture
There are 124 posts filed in Language & Culture (this is page 2 of 11).
How to Translate Metaphors and Idioms
Translators deal with a lot of challenges. Apart from making sure that text is grammatically correct and uses appropriate tone, they must also decide when and how to translate certain cultural aspects and linguistic nuances. This includes translating metaphors and idioms.
CSOFT Cultural Experts Share Culture-Specific Words and Phrases
Translations need to encounter a layer of “cultural” translation. Beyond literally translating words or phrases, linguists must also be cultural experts who can examine how a specific group of people will respond to a given word or phrase. At CSOFT, we use cultural and subject matter experts to ensure that every translation is accurate.
Chinese Translations: 5 Amazing Facts about the Chinese Language
Anyone interested in learning more about China should begin with learning the language, as studying changes in the pronunciation, shape, and meaning of each Chinese character is a great lesson on ancient civilizations and cultures. To get started in your studies, here are five amazing facts about the language and its history.